Scot's Timothy (10kg/acre)
Scot's Timothy (10kg/acre)
Scot's Timothy hay can be cut, turned and baled in 3 good days. Scot's Timothy is high yielding, reliable and persistent. It will produce two big crops of forage a year and is the most winter hardy variety of all the timothy grasses. It grows well in heavy soils and is Crown Rust resistant.
Scot's Timothy is the most palatable of all grasses. It is full of essential amino acid for muscle building and great for gut health due to the high levels of levan fructans.
Scot's Timothy is exceptionally long lasting, if looked after well a field can last over 20 years. It is the UK's only commercially available LANDRACE crop.
Scot's Timothy has stood the ultimate test of time.
If you have sown Timothy seed before and know what you are doing it can be sown at 7kg per acre. If you are new to Timothy seed then it's best to sow it at 10kg per acre. The seed is smaller than clover seed so the seeder has to be at the lowest setting. Spread the seed then roll the ground to increase seed/soil contact. For drilling it must be at shallowest setting or broadcast and very well rolled.
Sowing rate 7-10kg/acre.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to Please contact us to discuss your needs - 01786 834422.
For orders over 100kg please phone us as we will organise delivery by palletline.
For more information on Scot's Timothy visit our website